Our Apocalypse

There was a hush in the school corridor. Kids were in class or the library for free period. All was calm, and it was a beautiful day. But then…

CRACK!!! Goes the glass in the front door, as it shatters on the tile floor. The ladies in the front office clamor to the window nearby. They have 911 at the ready but are not prepared for what they see. Grey, clammy men and women. Their skin no longer clear and their eyes a dull yellow. The groans that escape their mouths only further terrorize the women. One of the no longer human males reach through the open window, grabbing the nearest secretary and bite into the pale flesh on her neck. The other ladies’ screams echo through the lobby.

The closest teacher steps into the hall, observing to find out what the commotion is. She freezes when she sees the male tearing deeper into his first victim. Although she couldn’t feel her feet, she went into auto pilot hurrying back to her room, attempting to protect her students.

Elise, Maya and Carlos were murmuring about the yells in the hallway. Their teach rushed in, panicking and locking the door behind her. The three friends sweep each other’s hand tightly as something had to be wrong. “Ladies and gentlemen. We are leaving RIGHT NOW!! Hop out that window to safety. The class pushed and shoved trying to exit the room quickly as possible. All they knew is the without the help of their friends, it would have been a very difficult day

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