Submitted by Chantel Akrawi

Write a poem where an inanimate object is a metaphor for love.

The Oak

The storm came in, the wind blew strong,

The acorn fell to the earth headlong;

When it fell into the soil,

The rain burst out in song.

The seed sank down in dark despair,

Among the creatures lurking there;

It to protect its shiny coat,

But soon there was a tear.

Tears fell from the acorn’s eyes,

“What is happening?!” It cries;

Roots did spread, tilting the head,

For weeks it dormant lies.

Then one day it’s had enough,

It swallows pride and pushes up!

The soil makes it hard to budge,

But this acorn is tough.

Pushing out into the light,

It grows in decadent delight;

The roots grow far into the soil,

What a beautiful sight!

Our love is like this oak tree;

No matter what the weather be,

Our love is deep and strong,

As anyone can see.

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