Unicorns do exist, but they're not the good guys...
To celebrate world unicorn day, write a short story about why we idealise unicorns, even though they're actually evil.
Mythical Lies
The first time I seriously thought about unicorns was, when I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling. I was absolutely taken with the idea of the existence of such magnificent creatures and naturally,like many other people who read and enjoy fiction, and are familiar with the lore surrounding these mythical entities I was fascinated with them.
We know of unicorns as pure, bright, innocent animals whose very core and essence is filled with clean pure energy.
They have healing abilities, they are lovable, gentle, docile and unthreatening in nearly every story or tale I’ve ever heard. They are portrayed as beacons of hope appearing out of thin air in the midst of a crisis and assisting the hapless in their perilous journey.
Maybe in reality unicorns are depraved demonic beasts that punished evil sinners for their indiscretions and over the years, someone decided to alter their real description and turn them into something that inspires awe and hope.
Isn’t it said that unicorns only appear to the righteous in their time of need?That only the virtuous can benefit from their magic and power. With so much discord and harmony in the world, don’t we want to believe that something out their is untainted from malice, greed and evil.