Inspired by EvaJ
From the first person perspective of your character, write about someone they despise OR idolise a little too much...
I had never detested a soul in my life, never until I met caroline. Caroline is perfect. She is smart and kind, she goes to church every Sunday and she sings along with the band. If she’s really feeling the music she sways side to side and claps to the beat. I know this because I as well go to church every Sunday, at the only church in Camden. I also sing along with the band, subtly trying to out sing Caroline.
Because of Caroline, I have always been just second place Warren. Bright enough to be a star, but never enough to be the sun. I’m continuously in competition with her. “Could Caroline beat you at this too Warren?” My inner thoughts chime at me through my everyday. And I question if I will ever be enough to present to myself, or to her.
So, I’ve chosen to loathe her. I hate her brown curls that fall just under her chest. I despise her cat shaped emerald eyes I have had to stare into countless times. I am disgusted by her beauty. I am disgusted by her capability.
I’d like to show her, what it’s like to _not_ be the best. Make her feel unsure and desperate. Just for once, I’d love for her to feel as if the world isn’t in her palms. She can’t _always_ win.