It All Started A Bag Of Chips

I sit here and think back to the last year. It had been a year but something good come out of it. I met someone. I know what you all are thinking how can I met someone when we all have been stuck in quarantine. Well it all started with a trip to the store.

I was tired of being stuck inside only going out to go to work. So I decided that I should go to the store and shop for myself. I really didn’t know what I wanted when I walked in. So I decided to go up all each aisle. I looked at all the shelves to see what I needed. I saw the chips I needed and went to reach for them. I didn’t see that someone else was going to grab the same bag. I reached up to get them just as the other person grabbed the bag.

“Sorry I didn’t see you there” I said

“That is ok I see we both like them same chips” He said

“Yes good thing there is more then one bag” I said

“Good thing there is” He said.

“ again I’m sorry” I said

“That is ok here you take this one and I will get another one” He said

“ are you sure I can get an other one” I said

“Yes I don’t mind” he said

“Ok thank you” I said

“Your welcome, by they way what is your name” he asked

“I’m Kimberly but my friends call me Kimmy” I said

“It’s nice to meet you Kimmy, I’m Dylan” Dylan said

“Wait, you are Dylan O’Brian” I asked

“Yes, that would be me. “ he said

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was you, I am such a fan of yours” I said

“That is ok, thank you for not going all fan girl on me.” Dylan said

“Your welcome” I said

“Well it has been nice talking to you, here is my number so we can talk again” he said

I gave him my number. On the inside I was dying. I just met one of my favorite actors, at the grocery store of all places. I continue on with my shopping. I get home and put all of my stuff away. I let my dog out and start my dinner. All of a sudden my phone rings. I see that its Dylan. I answer it.

“Hello” I said

“Hi” he said

“Hi” I said

“What are you doing” he asked

“Well I just started to make dinner for myself” I say

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me” Dylan asked

“I’m not sure there really isn’t anything open since we are still in shut down mode” I said

“I know but I’m bored of eating alone in my hotel room” Dylan said

“Well do you want to come over to my place and we can have dinner together “ I asked

“Sure I would love to text me you address” Dylan said

I texted him my address. He texted back and said he will be over soon. I continue to make dinner for the two of us. I was nervous. I texted my sister to tell her what Was happening. I thought to myself I should change into something comfy. By the time I was done changing Dylan was at my door.

“Hi” Dylan said as I opened the door.

“Hi, come in dinner is almost ready” I said

“Thank you” Dylan said

Dinner was ready. We ate and talked about ourselves to get to know each other.

“Do you want to watch a movie” I asked

“Sure” Dylan said

“What do want to watch” I asked

“I don’t care” he said

“Ok, I will just put something on for the background noise so we can still talk” I said

“Ok sounds good to me” he said

We talk so more. Until it got really late.

“I should get going” Dylan said

“You can stay here” I said

“Are you sure” he asked

“Yes I have a guest bedroom that my sister is the only one that sleeps in there” I say

“Ok” Dylan said

“Ok” I said

“Let me go see if I have cloths in my car” Dylan said

“Ok” I said

Dylan went to see if he had some cloths in his car. I was like what has come over me. I texted my sister and told her what I did. Dylan came back in.

“I do have some cloths in my car” Dylan said

“Good let me show you the guest room” I said

We walked to the room. We said Goodnight and I told Dylan were the bathroom was. I walked to my room. I just sat on my bed and thought of what was going on. What am I doing what has come over me. I get up and walk to my bathroom. I put on my pjs and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and forgot that Dylan was still there. I walked to my kitchen to see a note.

Good Morning,

I went to get us breakfast. I will be back I promise.


I read the note. Then look at myself. I should change. I walk back to my room and get out a big sweatshirt and a bra. I put them on, I leave my basketball shorts still on. I walk back out to the kitchen. Dylan comes back with breakfast.

“Good Morning, I see you saw my note.” He said

“Yes, you didn’t have to get breakfast” I said

“I had to do something for letting me stay over and for dinner” He said

“Thank you” I said

We at breakfast. It was Sunday so I didn’t have to work.

“What are you doing today” Dylan asked

“Well its Sunday so nothing really” I say

“Ok, well thank you for dinner and a bed to sleep last night” he said

“No problem, I had fun last night” I say

“Me too” Dylan said

“What are you doing today” I ask

“Well I was wondering If we can continue to hang out and get to know each other” he said

“Yes, I would love that” I said

“Good because I like you” he said

“I like you too” I say

We hang out for the rest of the day. Dylan goes back to his hotel for the night. I get ready for bed because I have to work tomorrow. Before I go to bed Dylan texts me.

D: Goodnight I had fun today

K: Goodnight me too

D: I will talk to you tomorrow

K: ok talk to you then

I go to bed with a smile on my face. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. The next morning I wake up and get ready for work. I look at my phone and there is a text from Dylan

D: Good morning Hope you have a good day at work

I smile and thought this is going to be fun. I go to work and it was stressful. Dylan had texted me throughout the day, but I didn’t have a chance to answer him. I sent him a message saying that you were sorry work is stressful. I just want to got to bed. I get home and see that Dylan is waiting for me.

“Hi” I say

“Hi, I figured you since a stressful day at work I would bring you dinner.” He said

“Thank you I really need that” I say

“No problem” he said

We ate dinner and I tell him about my day. Dylan leaves and I go take a hot shower. I go to bed but before I do Dylan texted me goodnight. I need this Dylan is so sweet to me.

We talk for a couple weeks. A few weeks after we met Dylan asked me to be his Girlfriend. Now here we are a year later and Dylan is moving in with me. It was a crazy year but I wouldn’t change it for a second.

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