Write about a typical day in a world where happiness has been outlawed.

Think about how and why this world would operate, and consider a character's daily life here.

Do Not Be Happy

Like every day for the past five years I woke up to look into the eyes of my least favorite person. A slow groan escaped me, as it did every day.

Putting on an awful flower dress, it chafed in places dresses shouldn't be able to chafe, I ate the rest of last week's bread. In a few days I would be able to start on this week's bread.

The government had outlawed happiness, and for good reason, and so we'd all adjusted. The Sects fed off on happiness, devouring the emotions and their vessels. Large cities had disappeared before new rules came to be. London had become no-man's land, controlled by the Sects. Only empty shells left of the humans inside. They belonged to the Sects now.

My shoes found the tiny wounds on my heels as I put them on. That was as it should be. Happiness, even in simple things, was dangerous.

My spouse got up, and scowled at me from across the hall. The mere sight of him revolted me, so much so, that I couldn't even find consolation in the fact that he felt the same way.

Outside, the first rays of the sun hit our windows, it would be another warm day. Thus, on my way out, I put on a thick hot winter jacket.

Stopping at a news booth, I scanned through the headlines.

"Parliament hits new dead end."

"The last resistance in Liverpool has fallen."

"10 tips to staying unhappy."

"Our vigilance against happiness must be constant."

It was the same shit stories as everyday. Five years of misery, and still no closer to defeating the Sects. Then again, good news would automatically brings the Sects attention down on us.

No friendly nods as I passed neighbours on the streets. I kept my eyes down, no point in opening up for potential risks. Every day someone failed, felt a little happiness, and brought the end a little bit closer.

A shout further up the street jarred me out of my doomful musings, and I looked ahead.

There was nothing much to see, but I listened. Screams were coming from around the corner. Rapid footsteps followed, and then people were running towards me.

No, not towards me. That's just a direction. They were running away from whatever caused the screams.

Stupidly, so very stupidly, I didn't turn to run as well. My traitorous feet lead me ever forward. Forward, and around the corner. There they stopped.

A couple of teenagers were kissing, and it wasn't hateful and ugly, but filled with joy. Teenagers were the worst at following the happiness ban, ruled by unruly hormones, they transgressed. Their short moment of happiness was beautiful to watch, and that thought took a moment to long to register with my brain. A very dangerous thought.

Something buzzed, vibrating through the air. Above the teens a Sect had arrived. Hovering gleefully, drinking in their happiness. Buzzing our end.

I'm caught in the net, same as the two hormon heads in front of me. Their radius extending too far to be safe.

Then the Sect began to work. The lifeforce of the teenagers dissipated, and was drawn into the sect. The colour leave them as they become hollow shells, bound to the Sect for life. Their individuality lost, their minds just another source of operating power for the Sects purpose. A purpose we don't understand, but experience every day.

I'd like to say it was gruesome to watch, but a small part of me welcomed it. Welcomed an end to unhappiness. Cause, having watched a moment of happiness, and in letting it enter me, I knew the Sect would turn to me next.

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