Personify your favourite flower into a character.

You could translate symbolic meanings, uses, environments and lifecycles, or even physical features into your character!

🌻Su N. Flower👱🏿‍♀️

Su N. Flower is a cheery young woman

Always bright and beaming

Her warmth is never an illusion

And with kindness she is teeming

Her skin is as dark as night

And her messy hair is of gold

Her green boots and gloves, they glitter in the light

Along with her dress of emerald

Su loves helping the families in need

And so she provides food for many

To the Hammsturs and Berds, she gives her seeds

And to the Bumbelbeas her nectar, so they have strength to make honey

At the end of a busy day, Su returns home and perhaps falls into a doze

Then, in the mood for a late night snack,

She might open up a box of her favorite Gluc O’s

And maybe she’ll smile, because she feels there is nothing her joyful life lacks

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