Write a poem, in any style and genre, which ends with a question.
The question should be clearly related to the theme of the poem.
Just Like You
I had a vision
You were in it
You wanted starlight
So you made it
In your image.
Tiny pricks,
Just like you.
I had a nightmare
With you the star
Your fangs were red,
Blood from a jar,
Scaring no one.
Real fakes,
Just like you.
I want a lover
Not Narcissus
I’m not your mirror
Not your mythos
Don’t you get it?
I’m not
Just like you.
I tell you no
You think I’m kidding
I don’t want you
You keep hitting
Like a hydra.
It’s poison,
Just like you.
I will admit
You pout’s adorbs
Got a brother
Not self-absorbed?
A kind soul who
Is not
Just like you?
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