by XCannibal @ deviantArt

Write a story, poem, or short scene, that could be titled 'I am but a puzzle'.
I Am But A Puzzle
Was I ever a blank slate? No Even from birth I was a beautiful canvas. The combination of thousands of lives, uniting into two specific beings, that would be my mother and father. Let’s not forget the divine guidance of love, that would allow the pieces of my parents to join together to Create me, let no man put asunder. Our ancestors names are a mystery buried in time, Yet here we are, So they must have
been, right?
So I Spit in a vile to figure out the intricate details of my Simple life. I wait, then I receive the results. thinking it wouldnt be much, I was surprised, my life’s history covered more than eighteen counties and seventeen that I have never set foot on. What an extrodinary realization. The tale of their lives Continues in my blood. The big Picture is Still being revealed, and me just a piece; I am, but a puzzle.