Write a poem in the pentameter form.
The pentameter form is where each line contains 10 syllables. This gives the poem a unique and recognizable rhythm often found in sonnets.
Write a poem in the pentameter form.
The pentameter form is where each line contains 10 syllables. This gives the poem a unique and recognizable rhythm often found in sonnets.
This poem hits my heart pretty hard. It’s like you took my brain and put it into words. It’s very beautiful, you did a really good job!
💡 I like the way “masks” sits with “laughs” but would add a beat in the second line. Imo, this would maintain the decasyllabic flow.
‘Since the beginning, I’ve put on a mask,
It’s not smiles or laughs, but calm. Collected.’
Note, the ‘transference of emphasis’ on “collected” with the change of punctuation. Imo, It ‘gathers’ the ideas within the first two lines?
Just a suggestion :)
Perhaps draw me in more by leaving me a question (mark? )…
‘But what happens when I remove the mask?’
(Although you may want to keep your original tone)
Not sure if this is intentional, but I love this contraction:
“Without it I’m cold”. ✨👏🏼🙌🏼
I reckon, emphasise the absence with a comma, then continue:
“Without it, I’m cold. Distant. Uncaring”
Doing so, mirrors a physical retraction (within the contraction of words)—experienced when ‘cold’, whilst highlighting the isolation felt in “distant” and “uncaring” with the ‘hard full stops’ (periods, if you are American!)—Again, just a suggestion.
“I either love too deeply (,?) or can’t love”. I suggest a comma/pause after ‘deeply’ —it feels like a profound/epic moment, to rest and ponder.
Again, I would be assertive with my punctuation when building your “brick wall”.
“A brick wall goes up. High. Strong. Unweilding” (unwieldy or unyielding?)… punctuating its every brick 😉
“Something broke inside of me years ago”.
I would punctuate that ‘break’. Mirror that broken feeling within the sentence structure, with either a comma, dash or full stop. Also, I think it would create distance between ‘then’, and “years ago”.
“The shattered glass inside me cuts all near”: What the hell!? I love this line!— And yes, without punctuation! Nailed it🔥
The monotony of ‘triple tired’ 🔥
Wow Ronny Darke! This moved me to comment. 👏🏼
An evocative piece. My suggestions are purely personal preferences, that I feel may ‘tighten’ the piece.
And, oh yes!—this is a great piece!🙌🏼👏🏼
I thoroughly enjoyed this. And your style.