by JD_Art @

Write a story or poem that could be titled 'High Above the City'.
High Above The City
There is a place I go that only a few know about. It is quite a hike to get to, which deters all but the most adventurous. Or the most desperate. The path steep for my hoverboard, so I keep it folded in the pack slung across my back. And mag-cars break down if someone tries driving them past the city limits, so no use trying to use one of those.
It is important to wear the right shoes when climbing the rocky slope. I recommend sturdy boots with good traction. Not those smooth-soled, flimsy things that are the peak of style this month. Those things are barely good for walking down the flat city streets. All the glitter in the world will not help you if you twist an ankle halfway up the rough trail.
But for those who dare leave the dubious safety and comfort of progress and technology, there is a secret place high above the city’s smog and smoke. My uncle used to take me there when he needed to get away from the noise and the lights and constant hustle. I could see the years fall from his face the further we climbed. I think he found peace there, as he gazed over the city to the distant horizon. Now though, he has a different kind of peace.
It is definitely worth it, to make the climb. I still make the long trek when I can. Sometimes I sit in the simple swing some other adventurous soul set up and pretend I am soaring through the clouds. Other times I just close my eyes as I sway in the wind, recalling one of my uncle’s many stories…
I can take you there, if you’d like. Leave all the noisy and shiny things behind for a few hours or so. The city is bigger now, the path slightly more worn down than before. I assure you it’s worth it, the feeling you get when you make the journey. As if you are leaving the world and its worries behind.
And I’d like to share this experience with you.