Love You Forever

“Brandon was a firefighter for 20 years, the last 5 of which I was married to him. He was a stubborn man but a damn good firefighter. He was led by his emotions so if I tried to console him after a hard day of tragic calls he would often lash out and go to a bar to avoid his feelings. I tried many times to get him to go to therapy, hoping that talking to someone might ease his pain but he always told me he was fine. If I had known the pain he was in I would have tried harder to save him. Brandon took his life on May 22nd of this year." Sarah breaks down, sobbing, and is guided back to her seat by Brandon's parents. After the ceremony, the casket is carried outside to the grave followed by Sarah and Brandon's family. Sarah says one last thing before the coffin is lowered into the ground, “You’ve caused me so much pain, yet the love I feel for you blinds me of it!” As the coffin is lowered into the ground, Sarah and the other members of the family stand there sobbing.

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