A Tale Of Charity

“And the runner-up for the Miss America contest is Miss Pennsylvania!”

With some disappointment, she joined the second runner-up on the stage. Feeling a bit dizzy, she tried to steady herself, but fell down to her knees. She tried to stand, but there was nothing she could grasp for leverage.

Meanwhile, the winner, Miss Texas, was getting all the attention and the TV cameras were focused on her. No one saw her fall,she reasoned. Maybe someone would help her- a stagehand?

No, it was Miss Texas herself. She pulled her up and asked, “Are you ok? Let’s get you to the medic.”

Miss PA replied, “Ok.” The two contenders walked off the stage. In a small room, a medic took her blood pressure. It was a little low. Her temperature was low grade. “You should go to your hotel room and get some rest,”the medic said.

Back at the hotel, Miss Texas made sure Miss Pennsylvania got to her room. “Keep in touch.” She said, slipping her a card. Miss Pennsylvania glanced at it. It was just a toll free number.

When she was back in her hometown in PA, she went back home to see her parents, whom she had left when she was in college. They were in trouble with their mortgage and were facing a future in a nursing home. She wanted to help, but it was so overwhelming.

She looked at the card from Miss TX. In small print it said, “if you have a need, call this number and ask for Molly”. She called the number and a woman answered,”to whom shall I direct your call?”

“Molly,”Miss PA felt nervous but intrigued. Molly answered,”Miss Pennsylvania?”


“I’m glad you called. Is it financial?”

“Unfortunately, yes. My parents are going to lose their house,”

“No problem. I have a solution. I’m going to pay your parents’ mortgage free and clear. I have a large inheritance and I want to help people. I don’t give my card to too many people, but you impressed me. Please accept my gift, but don’t share the card unless you really think the need is real.”

Miss PA was in tears. Molly really did deserve the Miss America crown.


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