Miscommunication Between Deities And Creatures. |Part One.|
Day #445 inside Mount Ida:
Dear Diary…
I suppose it’s about time I tell my story. I mean, there’s nothing else to do down here… under the mountain… all alone. And, I mean, I guess there’s not really any other point of writing this except for my own amusement and sanity. quietly chuckles Also, maybe one day my mother will FINALLY TAKE PITY ON ME AND LET ME FREE, FOR THE LOVE OF MOLTEN LAVA. takes deep breath Ok, ok. I’m getting WAY ahead of myself. If anyone happens to read this, I suppose I should introduce myself. Hi, my name’s Typhon. Yes, that Typhon… Wait, you’ve NEVER HEARD OF ME?! You are SO LUCKY I’m stuck under a mountain at the moment! Well, for you UNEDUCATED PEOPLE, I’m the son of Cronus and Mother Earth… and… well… OK, fine. Im also a gigantic, hundred-armed serpent that did… somethings. It all started when I was just a wee hatchling…
It was the way my mother looked at me that hinted at how the world would see me. Her emerald-green eyes were immense, mossy boulders that looked as if they would plummet down the mountain into the abyss of Tartarus if I even set a foot outside. Really… REALLY?! I was THAT… ok, ok. To continue with the story, my dear mother had decided to raise me in those damp, dastardly caverns underneath Mount Olympus, because for SOME reason we MONSTERS COULDN’T BE TRUSTED TO… chit chatting in background Ok, ok. FINE. I just think it’s HIGHLY… more background chatting Mmmrrrmmmhmpgh. Fine. Anyway, the creatures of Earth weren’t allowed to go up into the great Olympus or whatever, so we had to stay down on Earth. Wait, WHAT?! My TIME IS… rubs face Ok. So apparently I have a stupid TIME LIMIT on how long I’m allowed to write. So, diary, I shall see you in the next decade. So long.
Your reasonable monster,