Submitted by nlove

Write a poem based on the theme of illusions.

Whether this be something magical, deceptive, or imagined, keep illusions as your central theme.

Transgender Mystique

Oh shapeshifter You taught me To change forms Simultaneously Blue skinned fighter Somehow you birthed Someone equally queer Nightcrawler An escape artist Just like you For our suffering For a way Out not forward Leaping Leaving Who are you? Really Who are you? Really What is authenticity when every seven years the human body’s cells are completely replaced? And yours… Every Saturday morning Bloody haired lover Somehow you adopted Someone equally queer Rogue Untouchable Angel Just like us For our power For a way Through not around Searching Seeking Who am i? Really Who am i? Really You are the first time I saw myself on screen, I cried as you morphed sexes and races and species. Somehow You escaped After a week Of straight bullying Oh shapeshifter Throughout time They call you Many names For a night They fear you Many times For a year The way you Become another In a lifetime Who are we? Really Who are we Really you taught me how to hold a bit too much of others, how to see others so fully that you became what you loved and hated again Slowly revolting Bones bending Churning and convulsing Skin cracked Oh shapeshifter You showed me To change forms Sequentially
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