Submitted by Gerard

Write a short story about the beginning of an unlikely friendship.

Common Ground (Soulmate Story)

Jeremiah tries not to be discouraged. He doesn’t understand what he did wrong.

Liam seemed to like him and his amigos. Even said he wanted to stay at their lunch table. But something bothered Zac.

And they appeared to be a package deal. Not that that is the part that irks Jeremiah. It’s just the fact that he doesn’t know why Zac made them leave.

Jeremiah has the rest of the school day to ponder this. It consumes him. He practically floats from one class to another like a ghost.

If not for the power dampening cuffs, all plantas in the area would have wilted. But the plantas thankfully are safe from his triste emotions.

The high school let out a bit later because of a physical altercation that had nada to do with powers (because to the these estúpido bracelets). So Jeremiah is rushing to pick Este up from the elementary school.

So much so he almost runs someone over. Again.

He’s got to work on that.

“Watch it!” Someone exclaims, clearly irritated.

“Lo siento!” Jeremiah bows his head.

“It’s fine,” the voice responds with a different kind of weariness. Picking his head up and looking at the person, he realizes that it’s Zac.

Perfecto! He can ask him what’s wrong. Or what he did wrong. He’ll be able to correct it.

“It’s like you’re a homing missile for us Keys,” Zac comments, dusting himself off. He might be doing that to be dramatic since Jeremiah didn’t tackle him or anything. Just a light bump.

“I didn’t mean to bump into you. I’m picking up mi hermana, Este,” Jeremiah explains. Maybe over explains since Zac gives the impression that he doesn’t care. But with what Zac won’t fill in conversation, Jeremiah will.

Zac eyes him with a great deal of apprehension. “I’m picking up Precious.”

Feeling un poco of encouragement from a response, Jeremiah gestures to the elementary school that is within view and tries to get him to walk with him, “We should go, they are probably waiting for us.”

Zac shrugs his shoulders which Jeremiah takes as a win. They walk side by side towards their hermanas’ school.

The grass that they walk on to cut walking distance becomes just a tad more verde after each of Jeremiah’s steps. Roman always told him how easy he was to read.

At least when he has his powers.

But he can’t worry about that right now! Ahora is about getting Zac to like him.

“So did I do something to upset you? If I did, I want to know! So I can fix it!” He tries to be aware of his volume but he can’t help it. His voice naturally gets louder when he’s excited. Or nervous. Or literally any emotion.

Letting out a long sigh, Zac shakes his head, his curls flying all over the place. “No. you didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.”

Something still bothered him though. At least he knows he didn’t do anything weird. “So what was the ordinary thing I did?”

Zac doesn’t answer. Jeremiah refrains from looking at him, not wanting to pressure him. Though he really really wants the answer.

It isn’t like when Liam doesn’t respond. Liam appears distracted or just innocently not answering. Zac is intentionally holding back.

“I won’t be offended. Prometo.”

Zac looks likes he’s thinking. Jeremiah isn’t like Roman, but he can practically see the gears moving. His eyebrows are furrowed and he’s biting his lip.

“It’s just….soulmates are a weird topic at home. My parents are soulmates but literally I have never met a completely happy couple otherwise. Liam is so curious but he doesn’t know the pain that comes with soulmates,” Zac reveals in one breath.

Pain? Jeremiah understands that not everyone has a bueno perspection of soulmates. Roman is a classic example of that. But pain? That seems extreme.

“But he has one, right?“ Jeremiah remembers Zac telling the principal about Liam and him not doing well with the dampening cuff. So he has powers. Which means a soulmate.

“Yeah, he can create pocket dimensions. I worry about him. I don’t expect you to understand,” Zac must have realized how that came off because he corrects himself, “That’s not an insult by the way. There is just a different set of concerns with a neurodivergent person.”

That makes sense. While he can’t understand on a first hand experience, his words make sense. “Are worried his soulmate won’t understand him?”

With that uno question, Zac’s entire body slumps in relief. His body language is more open towards Jeremiah. Maybe he feels like Jeremiah entiende him now. “Yeah. That they won’t love the amazing person my brother is. Just because he’s autistic.”

He does get Zac better now. He’s scared for Liam. Wants to protect Liam. But he doesn’t agree with it. “I can see what you are saying, but that sounds really lonely,” Jeremiah point out.

“He has me. And Precious,” Zac grunts, closing himself off again, crossing his arms, tension returns.

“What does he want?” Jeremiah asks. It’s rhetorical pregunta, but Zac answers anyway, “He doesn’t know.”

“Are you saying that or is that what he says? Look, all I’m saying is that tu hermano can make his own decision.” Zac opens his mouth to retort, but Jeremiah interrupts him and continues, “You can be there for him for whatever outcome comes about, or you can decide for him and he never gets to make a choice. Never gets to really live his life.”

Zac is quiet. Doesn’t try to say anything. He’s not necessarily off put by Jeremiah’s remarks. Maybe comtemplative. Really thinking about it.

Jeremiah wants to talk mas but they reach the school, and he sees his hermanita racing towards him.

“Miah! I met a new amiga while I was waiting for you! She has the prettiest name!” Este exclaims just as she crashes into his legs.

He stumbles back from the force. “Really? What’s her nombre?”

“Precious!” Zac’s eyes widen at the mention of his sister.

The aforementioned girl strolls up at a normal pace to them. “This is Precious! Precious, this is mi hermano, Miah!”

Seeing both Precious and Zac wince at her loudness, Jeremiah reminds her, “Inside voices, hermanita.”

She nods in acknowledgement and drones on about her day at a softer volume.

“Are you my hermano’s friend?” Este suddenly questions, breaking from her previous topic, staring up at his tall frame.

He decides to let Zac answer, wondering what he’ll say. Are they friends or not?

Zac crouches down to her level and gives her a smile. The first one that Jeremiah has seen.

His eyes shift towards Jeremiah. An unspoken understanding in his gaze.

Then he looks at Este. “Yeah, I am.”

Maybe he did grow on Zac. Just a little bit.

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