You have been accused of a crime you did not commit. After a strong case against you, it is your last chance to speak to the jury and convince them that you are, in fact, innocent.

Think about the kind of emotive language that might sway people's opinion.

Prompt 6

When it came your time to speak. You felt the words you’d studiously prepared in your mind fade away.

As if your life wasn’t on the in that very moment, you felt… ease. Or some form of it. Perhaps it was just a lack of caring anymore. Everyone seemed to have made up their minds. Once people chose I side, they rarely ever changed it. You knew that. But… That small, stubborn part of you still wanted to give it a fighting chance.

“I wish I could tell you what really happened. I still do not know,” Your voice is void of all emotion or hope. You didn’t have the energy to appear frightened. You’d spent so many sleepless nights worrying about this trial. It was out of your hands now. 99% of you believed that. The other 1% was ringing the words out of you, chomping at the bit for the final chance you had to plead your innocence.

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