An ancient tomb is disturbed with disastrous consqeuences.

Practice building tension and suspense from the very beginning with this story - will you focus on the event, or the consequences?

The Drought

The rain stopped first.

A dry spell they said.

For days and days? We said.

It’s no matter, this has happened before.

The fish started dying.

Sand beds creeping further away from us.

Whichever creature could swim the slowest was left behind.

Rotting flesh and pointed bones littered the exclusive beaches and familial lakes we once resided in.

A child can now walk miles before being submerged in the salted sea.

Please, we begged, do something.

We were ignored.

Water flew off the shelves,

Showers became scarce,

The young, the old, the sick, began dying off.

Chaos, mayhem, anarchy, broke out.

They could not stop the people,

The poor, sick, thirsting people.

The tomb said as much would happen,

Yet do we ever listen?

Why would we,

There was never a need to before.

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