Enticing. Subtle. Disconnect.

Use these three words to describe a room, or indoor setting. You don't have to include the words, but the description should be connected to them.

Bones and Birch

Enticing you towards the handle, the tree pattern carved door stands guard to the room of which you have never seen. Your hand slips over the near deathly cold door knob. Its old mechanisms grind like chalk together while you turn it slowly to the right. It isn’t locked anymore.

You nudge the door only a hairs length, just enough to see inside. The ambiance feels disconnected from the entire building. Of the warm colors and cozy interiors, this room seems disconnected from all the rest.

Eyes spilling tears, the dryness of the room takes you back. Then your eyes adjust to the rich shadows of the room. Your throat feels thick. A skeleton comes to view on the floor, thickly covered in copper chains, stretching out like roots of a tree. You take a step back, mouth gapping breathlessly.

A warm voice addresses you from behind, β€œYou shouldn’t be looking in there, now should we?”

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