Write a character's internal monologue that includes an example of stream of consciousness.
Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that represents the flow of a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur in real time, without logical order or punctuation.
The Test
Oh shit… this first question is hard that’s how I know I’m going to fail. Did we even go over this? Okay, find the cosecant of the right triangle—what the hell? Let me glance over at Christy’s “Do you know the answer to number 1,” she whispered. I shook my head. Fuck! Okay, I’ll just circle C. C is more right and less wrong the clock is ticking, clock stop ticking—
“Class you have 5 minutes remaining” Dang! I’m just going to circle all of them C, at least I should get a D. “If you fail another test, you’re grounded and I’m taking your phone for a month,” my mother said. I continue to circle C on my test.
(You’re grounded) (you’re grounded) (your failing pre-calculus, what’s going on with you?) (you’re grounded) (why can’t you be like your brother)(you’ve changed over the summer)—Hey I know this equation! You just subtract four from 37 and get thirty-three then take the three from the x to isolate it and divide it by thirty-three to get eleven so the last answer is A
“Pencils down,” my teacher said