Write a short horror story that DOESN'T involve murder, psychopaths, or paranormal activity.
Think about what other themes make captivating horror writing.
The Scare
The day had been a long one. I had just come home from a 12 hour shift and was exhausted. When I pulled up to my house all I felt was comfort knowing I was finally going to be able to just sit and not worry about anything. My phone rang, my buddy Jack was calling me so I answered the call.
“Hey buddy what’s up?” I said as I got out of the car, “Oh nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to head out tonight and grab a few drinks.”, “I can’t man I’m exhausted. I just want to watch the game, eat, and go to bed.”, He told me he would see me tomorrow and I got off the phone just as I put the key in the door lock.
I opened the door to the entry way and closed the door when all of the sudden Jack jumped out from behind the door. I almost jumped out of my skin and screamed at Jack “What the fuck man.”, he was laughing and ran out of the house. I couldn’t believe he would do something like that. My phone buzzed and there was message from him telling me he got me with a laughing emoji behind it. I through my phone one table and decided to just ignore his messages.
I made myself a frozen pizza for supper and sat down in my chair and turned on the game. All of the sudden the channel started to change. “Oh come on.” I said out loud. I turned it back to the game and all of the sudden the television turned off. “Son of a bitch” I said and clicked it back on, but it turned off again , and that is when I got a message from jack again with the message ‘LOL’. I grimaced and decided I was just going to go to bed, but the horror of my night didn’t stop.
When I went into my room I got undressed and started to get ready to take a shower. I was going to relax so I turned off my phone and jumped in the shower. The hot water started to relax me. I closed my eyes as I washed my hair and all of the sudden there was a scream and fell down in the shower. There was Jack again laughing and then he ran out of the house again.
I climbed up and got rinsed off and thought to myself _I’ve got to take his key away. _This continued for the next month and was nothing but a horror story that wouldn’t end until one day I took the key away from him, only then was that horror story that was our friendship.