(The following is a description of a fictional city set far into the future, used in a larger novel I am writing. Since I think it fits the context of this prompt, I will kindly describe it to you.)

Sitting so far off the mainland that you cannot even see coastline from its edges, Atlantis stands as a testiment to what current technology can achieve. Giant silver steel spires, larger than a city block wide, cut right out of the deep ocean, high up into the sky. They hold up the giant discs that make for the grounds of Atlantis. The magna-glass Domes, used to control city environment as well as proctecting the citzens from an array of potential dangers, serve as the signature look of Atlantis. From a far enough distance, they look like trees, stemming up from the water.

The city itself hosts some of the most daring and bold arcetecture to date. It also contains the prestegious Atlantian University, the finest school in the entire world, breeding scientists and doctors for a better future. The positive nature of the community is seen all throughout, with no cars and hustle and bustle. Everyone moves at a friendly pace for there is no reason to rush.

Out on the open water is certainly an interesting way to live. It takes getting used to for some, and others take to it right away. When hurricanes carry through, watching the ocean swells beneath can get daunting, but the giant waves never come close to reaching the top, just as the structure dosnt shift or sway even a millimeter. Some even claim Atlantis is the safest place on the entire planet.

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