Water vs Land

It was the third day of the fifteenth year that I grew tired. Tired of water. Believe it or not, I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t stand the smell anymore, the way the house would shake whenever there was even a tiny wave.

I couldn’t stand living on water. But where else could I go?

Land was destroyed and the only thing left is a huge island which occupied by our enemy. We call them Landers.

Us, we’re waterers.

The war between the two of us started when I was just two. I’m not sure why it started, it could have been over something as little as a can of beer. Whatever the reason, it destroyed our utopia.

We were pushed to the waters with only the little we had. We made it big, though. We have a whole city now.

But, after fifteen years, I feel like something is wrong. I feel the need to escape the waters.

I don’t want to be a waterer anymore. I just want to be “Cecelia”. That’s my name.

“Cecelia.” A voice calls me.

I look up and around but see no one. The sun has gone down ad I haven’t even noticed. I’m sitting on the ship my dad built himself and guarding our house. It’s my turn to make sure the landers don’t try anything. I zoned out for a while there.

“Cecelia.” The same voice says my name.

“Yes?” I ask. “Mom? Dad?”

“We’re waiting for you.” This time the voice is different. It’s the voice of a charismatic teenage boy and it’s pulling me toward the water.

“Who are you?” I ask as I lean over the boats edge and stare into the dark blue ocean.

“Come and find out.” I almost think I see the water smile at me as I suddenly tip over and fall deep down. I can still here the voice, this time it’s pulling me towards the land. I want to try and stop it but this seems like my only chance to get out of here.

My only chance to escape.

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