Submitted by CSW

Death’s favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl’s favourite friend.

Heaven And Earth

Heaven and Earth meet harmoniously. Death was the vast ocean, while life flowed like a gentle river. Death was the serene moon, and life twinkled like the stars. Death symbolized passion like fire, while life represented fluidity like water. Death embodied stability like the earth, whereas life symbolized freedom like the air. Death stood tall like the trees, while life offered sweet rewards like fruits. Death sang the somber song, and life danced with joy. This is how heaven and earth come together.

Death and life intertwine like the moon casting its reflection on the river. Death's wisdom is undeniable. She created time and shared it with life to guide us on our journey, yet her timing and whereabouts remain a mystery. Perhaps we should emulate Death's wisdom.

Death gracefully walks beside us with two left feet. She gave one to us, guiding us along the right path in life. Let go of your fears and keep moving forward like a flowing river. Just as water gently pushes aside obstacles, allowing them to follow you like a shadow. Waiting will lead to stagnation, while hesitation will only prolong your worries. Time, like an ominous force, has the power to consume us if we hesitate. In the end, only Death knows our ultimate fate. Choose actions that you will regret the least.

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