The Elements
Fluffy and I are going to be starting something new. We’ll be writing for prompts and are going to have both of our versions of the prompt. Enjoy!
Here’s our first one. Mine are the top two and Fluffy’s are the bottom two.
Be free to ask questions!!
Water A precious life giving force Flowing from the skies above A source of life and peace Rushing down a mountain stream Cooling us from the summer heat Bringing joy to the land Tranquil pools in the woods Reflecting the beauty of the sky A serene and peaceful sight Raging rapids in the wild Tumbling and roaring with power A reminder of nature's strength Crashing waves on a shore An endless cycle of water and sand A calming lullaby of the sea From the depths to the heavens Above and below the horizon Water is life's greatest gift.
Earth is our beautiful home Where we can breathe, where we can roam The trees that grow, the rivers that flow It's beauty we've known since long ago The mountains that reach, the skies that are blue The oceans that span, the land that renews The animals that roam, the forests that grow The wonders of nature we all want to know
A burning passion
A burning desire
Fire can burn
Almost everything
A heart,
A home,
A tree,
A passion,
A desire,
A face
But what it can’t
Burn, is itself
So, if you’re a fire,
You won’t be burned
Sweet Breeze,
Oh dear Sweet Breeze
You calm my mind
You calm my heart
Oh dear Sweet Breeze
I hope you do stay
I will miss you if you don’t
Oh dear Sweet Breeze
You’ve gone away
I miss your smell
The aromatic scent of
Cherry blossoms
The warm embrace
You used to give me
As you passed by
Oh dear…
Sweet Breeze…
Thank you for reading!! We’re posting this first one on my page, and for the next ones, we’ll switch between each of us. The next is on hers, then mine again, then hers again, and so on. We are both very grateful for everyone’s support!