A Million Reasons Why.

May always tried her best to hide herself from her parents, it wasn’t that they didn’t love her.. it was more like they didn’t accept her. She had never really been intrested in being queen, it just seemed like to much work. Having to deal with your own problems along with the whole kingdom’s problems as well? It also didn’t help that ever since she she could remember her Kingdom, Jackstown, was at war with Danstown, their neighboring Kingdom. Seeing her parents constantly stressed made May question how great being queen could be. A cold breeze played with her hair as she climbed out of her window. _I can’t belive I’m doing this. _She thought to herself. Once her boots hit the cold ground she shivered. It was a cold winters night, and all she was wearing was a light jacket, pants and a pair of leather boots. She wrapped her arms around herself and started walking. Telling herself that it would all be worth it just to see him.

As May trudged through the forest she looked for the boulder. He had told her to meet him there. It was apparently something straight out of a fairy tale, a huge boulder in a clearing with flowers that never seemed to die. She had to say, as much as she loved him she really didn’t believe this. Everything colorful and fun died during the winter. It was just a season of diseases and stupidly cold days. Or at least that’s what she thought before she stumbled right into the clearing. She hadn’t even seen it, it was almost like it had been hidden from view. The clearing had vibrant green grass and beautiful flowers the colors of the rainbow. And right in the middle of this wondrous sight, was a gicantic boulder. The only thing that wasn’t colorful, it was big and grey, but for some reason it didn’t take away from the scene. It was simply just a calm anchor inside of this wonderland. The moonlight rays dazzled across its surface almost like the rock was shining. But when he stepped out from behind the rock, with his warm smile, nothing in the whole beautiful scene could compare. She ran into his arms and he laughed. This wonderful boys name was Jacob. He hugged her back and she breathed for what felt like the first time in forever. May hadn’t seen him for months. She wasn’t even supposed to ever had met him. He lived in Danstown, her kingdoms sworn enemy. They had met by accident when he had been taken as a war prisoner, and she had seen him being taken to his cell, looking beat up. So later that night she had sneaked down to the prison and helped him with his wounds, and eventually broken him out, blaming it on the rusty bars in the jail. They had been meeting up ever since then. As they talked May wanted nothing more than to run away with him. Spend everyday with him, finally freed from her duty as princess, finally happy. But they both knew that they couldn’t. It would be easy for Jacob, he was a baker, taken away from his beloved job to fight in the war. It would be easy for him to disappear. But a princess couldn’t just disappear from her kingdom. She couldn’t leave, and she was bound to her job as a future queen, no matter how much she hated it, she knew it was her fate. She looked at Jacob, she loved the way he talked so happily about his passions, how positive he was even when the world was so negative. She truly loved him, but there were a million reasons why she couldn’t be with him. Jacob trailed off when he saw her looking at him. He seemed to read her mind because the light in his eyes dimmed. He smiled at her, but not like the grin he had given when he first saw her open the clearing. It was a sad smile, because he knew what she was thinking. He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her against him, so she leaned on him and he leaned on her. They stayed quiet and watched the stars, a tear ran down Mays face. Oh how she loved him.

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