Let Her Go

When Passenger said "Only know you love her when you let her go," I didn't truly understand the extent of what those words meant, until that day.

I remember the pit in my stomach. I remember the feeling of my throat being so dry that I felt I couldn't breathe. But most of all, I remember the sharp pains of my heart, knowing this was going to hurt far more than I wanted it to.

I was doing the right thing. That's what I kept telling myself. That didn't make it any easier. Nothing made any of that easier. The thought of leaving her in itself was unbearable, but to push myself to go through with it? It felt wrong.

The mind is a powerful weapon, for I convinced myself that she would be better off without me. How could she love someone like me? I had so much left to work on, and she seemed like she had everything figured out.

If someone else came along, someone who had their shit together, someone who could give her all the time in the world, someone who could stop everything for her at any given time; Who's to say she wouldn't want that. And who could blame her if she did want that.

For me, I didn't know when I would be around. I had no control over that, but that didn't make me any easier on myself.

For her, I would give her the world. I wanted to give her the world. I told myself this was me giving it to her. I told myself that I needed to let her go, and give herself her best chance at happiness, because I didn't truly see her being happy with me.

Do you know how absolutely heartbreaking that is? You envision your future with someone. They become your absolute everything. There isn't anything you wouldn't do just to see them happy.

But you tell yourself you'd rather see them happy with someone else than settle for someone like you.

You're at a war within yourself. You love her so much that you want to better yourself at a fast pace just to make yourself a better person for her. Yet, you can't seem to see results fast enough and it blinds your judgement. You lose faith within yourself and convince yourself there is no possibility for you and her to have a happily ever after.

Because of this, you tell yourself it's time to put an end to this story, but little did you know that this was just the end of the chapter. The story doesn't end here, yet you convince yourself that it does.

With a heavy heart, it's time to say goodbye. You think back to everything you have been through with her. The person who made you feel alive when all you wanted to do was die. The person who brought color back into the world. The person who showed you that even broken things deserved to be loved.

I'm sorry.

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