Submitted by Ek

"He sacrificed his life to save mine... after all I did..."

Write a story containing this line of speech.

Cop Killer

Of all the people in this town, it just had to be Alex she bumped into, spilling her coffee, the first cup of the day. Umm, ugh, err, excuse me! She finally exclaimed. Those big brown eyes, and that smile was enough to send her back her youth. High school, most importantly, Senior Prom they were Crowned King and Queen, everyone thought they’d spend their lives together. Little did they know life, or fate had other plans for the couple. Hello…..Sara? Yes, sorry about the coffee I hope your weren’t scalded, Sara asks. No, it just got my boots and they wont melt. The humor, he always knew how to make her laugh. I’ve got a meeting that starts In few minutes, but it was nice to see you. I haven’t seen many familiar faces since arriving back in town. I hope we see each other again, without coffee on the boots.

Sara, was unaware that Alex was back in, Evansville. Since he left for the military 8 years ago she hadn’t seen him, in person that is. She had spied, a few times, by checking his social media accounts. Oh, and his mothers. She posted more than Alex, and always gave updates of his deployments and where he was stationed. However, she must have missed the one that stated he was coming home. Sara, finally makes it to the station wondering why she thought walking the few blocks was better than driving. Her new black Charger was in the shop, having the, very hard to see, lights installed. She’d been promoted to detective, only a few years before. Her partner Dale, recently retired, had taught her so much a mentor she could always rely on. Today, she is supposed to meet her new partner, a transfer from the military police. She hoped he wasn’t uptight and grumpy or too lax and not by the book. Either, would make her miss Dale even more.

Sara, Good Morning, Jack, her lieutenant calls as she enters the station. It’s not a large Department by any means and their station was small. They had outgrown it years ago. They made do, sharing offices with other officers and animal control. When she gets closer to Jacks, closet sized office, she hears a familiar voice then sees a familiar face. Alex, is her new partner! What? This can’t be happening. Sara and Alex shake hands as Jack explains that he is from there and has been gone for several years. That he is an excellent detective with 93% of his cases closed, rather quickly. Sara, informs them both that this isn’t the military and they work big crimes. Murder, Robbery, and Sexual Assaults. Not someone mistakingly entering a base or a soldier going awol. Jack, pats Alex on the back and says, “Boy you got your hands full with this one! She calls it as she sees it and she has a high success rate solving casss as well!” I think we will get along just fine lieutenant! Jack exclaims, as he grabs some case files, he’d been looking through while waiting on Sara.

Sara’s phone rings just as she reaches her, well their, desk. It’s the shop letting her know her new car is ready and equipped. As her and Alex wall to the shop she explains some cases and keeps it professional with no mention of their past. This puzzles Alex, as he isn’t sure if he should bring it up or let the past stay, the past. Sara, also explains fhat the car is hers and she drives. She can pick him up or meet at the station, either way she doesn’t mind, but the car is hers.

It’s dark by the time Sara makes it home. Her fiancé, is in the shower so she takes their Cocker Spaniel, Ridley out for a walk. Thinking about Alex and the chances of him being her new partner. She is relieved that she never told her fiancé, Mandy about their past and how she broke his heart. No, that’s in the past and it will stay, “what do you think, Ridley!” Ridley, wags her tail and agrees. Mainly, because she wants a treat. “Hey gorgeous!” Mandy, is out of the shower and greets Sara with a sweet compliment and a kiss. The two meet their Freshman year of college. Sara never dated women and most thought it was her finding herself. Which is partly true, except they haven’t been apart for more than a few days since. Sara, proposed to Mandy, on top of their favorite Mountain peak. They plan on being married there, Hiking to the top in their white dresses, they’ve purchased. However, they’ve yet to set a date. Mandy, is working on her doctorate and money has been tight. They’ve both made sacrifices, as they know once her doctorate is complete her earnings will be well worth the sacrifice and Sara wants to make all of her dreams come true.

The next morning Sara and Alex, get an early morning call 5AM, early. There has been another shooting in the next town over, a police officer is down. This time the shooter leaves a note. As soon as they arrive on scene Sara carefully, with gloves, reads the note before placing it in an evidence bag. “ANOTHER COP WILL DIE I PLAIN ON KILLING 3 TOTAL, AND ONE WILL BE FEMALE.” Sara, looks at Alex, as he scans the note. “How many female officers work in this area, Sara!” Idk, 2-3 counting me. Alex, wants Sara to let him work this case, and for her to lie low and stay hidden until the suspect is caught. Maybe go out of town and take a vacation. Inside, Sara laughs, vacation? I can barely pay our rent and keep us fed. However, Sara informs Alex that she isn’t going anywhere and will catch this person, who ever they may be. 2 officers so far, both male, so the next will be female. This is the first note left, she asks an officer that has worked both scenes. He shakes his head, confirming one note. How strange that he only left a note here, today. It’s like he is letting us know that a female will be next.

After the Captain, chief, and chaplain have informed the officers family Sara and Alex visit to question the wife. She informed them of a few hang up calls and someone knocking on the door. Their fourteen year old daughter was home alone when the knock happened. She didn’t open the door, but from the outside he asked for a glass of water. She quickly called her dad and he told her how proud he was of her, for not opening up the door. They needed to talk to the daughter and see if she could give them a description of the man. All she could see was his shadow and how tall he was. 6 foot, at least she thought with a deep raspy scary voice. Not much to go on but they wondered if the other deceased officer had received calls or a visit.

The two detectives knock on the door of another grieving widow. Hoping to gather more information and vowing to solve the cases, which are connected. The widow again had some calls but once he said, hello. In a deep raspy voice. She said it was like he had been a smoker. When she asked who he was he quickly hung up. The number was untraceable just as it had been for the other officers family. She never received a visitor but had noticed a strange man. He was driving an older sedan, light green, and sat across the street for several minutes a couple of different times. She mentioned it to her husband but he thought maybe they had been visiting the neighbor.

This doesn’t make since, why would someone want to kill these officers. Had they, and a female officer, arrested someone and now they were out for revenge? Do they just hate and disrespect the police and what they stand for? Two questions that they needed answers for and it wouldn’t be long before they got their answer. On Sara’s way home she gives Mandy a call to see what kind of take out is in order for tonight’s meal. Mandy had grabbed Chinese for them both, so she didn’t have to stop. Sara, thanked her and almost said I’d rather not stop until we find the perp that’s out killing cops. She stopped herself, thankfully. Mandy, worries enough about her job and this would only make it worse. Besides, she has an important research project due soon and she doesn’t want to distract her.

As Sara nears her neighborhood, she sees an older sedan. The motor is clearly running based on the smoke coming out of the tail pipe, but the lights are off. She slows enough to get the tag, and calls dispatch. The tag comes back to a man by the name of Lewis Sparks, continues dispatch, but Sara isn’t hearing them. Lewis Sparks, is the man she arrested for touching a child. This was his 3rd arrest, but he only managed to pull 6 years in prison. He was not after just any female, he was after her. She calls Alex and tells him to get ready she knows who the cop killer is. Then she informs Mandy that she will be late, she had something come up regarding a case. Alex, is ready and hops in, just as she pulls up. She informs him of the case, avoiding some details. He lives in his mothers basement and is heavily armed, so they must come up with a plan. They drive through Sara’s neighborhood but he is gone, no longer sitting and watching her driveway.

As the pull up to Sparks home they can see his light green sedan parked in the driveway. Still running and the lights are still on. Alex calls for swat to come apprehend the suspect. They know how dangerous he is and want to protect the public and his mother. Before, Alex can hang up the phone, there is a gunshot. He it hits the alley light on Sara’s new Charger. Alex, tells Sara to get down. He has spotted the suspect hiding behind his car door. He grabs his weapon and fires back at Sparks. Sara, climbs over to the passenger seat and exits. Making her way to the back of her car. Alex, asks for cover and runs for a large oak tree. Two more shots are fired, but both miss the duo. Alex and Sara return fire, hearing a groan they know the suspect is hit. They call for him to surrender and drop his weapon but they only hear silence. Alex, asks for cover as he is makes his way to the suspect. Sara, begs Alex to wait on back-up. He doesn’t wait, but edges closer. She hears a gunshot and calls out for Alex. There is no response, so she keeps trying! “Alex, Alex, please answer me!” Finally, blue lights approach and its back up. Her radio, keys up and she hears, “officer down, code 1, officer down. Send medics quick, not pulse, starting CPR!” She runs over to the officer and finds Alex down. “Omg no, Alex!” She screams! Through the blur of her tears she sees an EMT cover up the body of Sparks, he is dead. Alex, is rushed to the hospital, via ambulance.

“He sacrificed his life to save mine…..after all I did!” She tells Mandy. “ I broke his heart, I didn’t show up on the day he left for boot camp. He wrote, but I didn’t write back. We were young and I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t tell him I was pregnant! He’d never been able to live his dream, of the military.” Mandy, is shocked as Sara pours her heart out. She assures her that the abortion was for the best. That they were young and both had dreams. Sara, hugs her back thankful for the understanding and love they share for each other. “Life is so short, Mandy! Let’s get married this weekend!”

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