Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
The Burning Tower
Rose was waiting for Jason in front of the Eiffel Tower, that’s where he’d told her he’d meet her.
Rose fiddled with her hands, and tugged on her shirt. She smiled at strangers for something to do. Minutes pass, and he’s still not there.
she hears laughing from a nearby restaurant. _I know that voice. _She thought as she she walked over to the corner to take a peek, and there sitting at a table was Jason, and he was with some girl.
Jason heard her gasp, and locked eyes with her. His mouth opened to tell her it wasn’t what she’d seen, but Rose had other ideas.
He had caught up with her and grasped her wrist.
“Rose I-“
“No!” She screamed, pushing him away. “I don’t want to hear your excuses!”
She’d been heartbroken by the look of her tears and sobs, but then the cry turned into a cold laugh.
She turned a round smiling, and walked over to Jason. A spark lit up her hand and turned into a flame. She chucked it at Jason as he dodged it and ran towards the Eiffel Tower. Rose didn’t run, she walked confidently. He was just under it as she created the biggest flame the world has ever seen. She shot the flame at the tower and all Jason saw was the tower coming down on him.