"We're in this together, but I'm not sure I can trust you," he confessed under his breath.

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The Betrayal

“We’re in this together, but I’m not sure I can trust you,” he confesses under his breath.

Flent’s gaze turns downwards, hiding the shame.

“I understand the thought process behind that conclusion. You have every reason not to trust me,” Flent replies.

Kent wants to take his hands in his but refrains. Not after what has happened. “I want to. Help me trust you.”

He takes a deep breath before going into his reasoning, “My kingdom, Gallia, the one I talk about all the time. It is beautiful. Known for as a natural phenomenon. Gardens, plants, flowers, and trees thrive there. I love it so much.”

“I’m not where you’re getting at,” Kent interrupts, confused and impatient, mentally tapping his foot.

Shaking his head, Flent gestures to Kent. “It’s is not like Allaver, Kent. My guards are competent but not trained like here and certainly not Tarvin. Gallia is peaceful.”

It finally is falling into place in his mind. But it doesn’t simmer down the anger in him. “So you did it to protect your kingdom?”

A relief ripples through Flent visibly, his shoulders slumping and eyes a bit brighter. “Yes. We don’t have the skill to take on the army that just took over Allaver. I made a deal.”

“At the expense of **my** kingdom.”

Kent is angry. Which feels foreign to him. Normally, rage wasn’t his normal setting. Maybe his sisters, but not his. The fury burns through his veins and stings his lungs. He is seething.

Flent lifts his gaze looking directly into Kent’s eyes. “Yes. And I would do it again,” he answers with confidence.

“If you’re trying to get me to trust you, this is a poor job.”

“I want you to understand. You don’t have to trust or forgive me. I don’t expect that. I just want you to consider my side.”

“Your side? My kingdom has just been attacked without any warning! My family could be dead. Anyone that I’ve ever known could be dead! Because you took that deal.” Kent is out of breath. He can’t believe this. He let this happen. It could have been stopped or at least different if he had known. Now his family and kingdom are in danger.

“Even without warning, Allaver would fare better than Gallia,” Flent tries to justify, but it does nothing for Kent.

Kent begins to walk aimlessly in a direction. He doesn’t even know where he may go, but anywhere would be better.

Flent grips his upper arm. Ripping his arm away from his touch, he begins to shout, “How could you just dismiss a whole kingdom? My kingdom. Me.”

“I knew you’d be fine! I spared you from seeing that.”

“No you took me from my family. My role as prince is to protect my people, but I let my feelings cloud my judgment.” Through the red hot rage, there is one person he is more angry at than Flent right now. He will never forgive himself for this.

For falling for the wrong person.

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