Your protagonist has the abilty to hear the things that people wish they had said out loud.

Create a scene where this specifically affects their interaction with someone.

Bla Bla Bla

All I can hear is false ‘i love you’s and other words people never got to say.

It’s a dreadful superpower.

It just goes on.

And on.

And on.

And it never stops and wonders how I feel carrying this weight upon my shoulders. How I feel listening to words they never got to say. To loved ones, or crushes, or anyone for that matter.

If only people could hear what I have to hear.

Feel what I have to feel.

I carry all of these burdens but no one gets to carry mine.

No one gets to hear how much i want to say I love you to those dearest who have passed,

Or ask for someone’s number who i have been waiting to do for a long time.

It’s just others.




That’s all I hear now.

After 26 years of having to do this- i don’t process anything anymore.

That’s probably why I’m still living with my mother with no education.

That’s probably why I’ve never had any exciting experiences.

That’s probably why I feel nothing at all…

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