"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."
Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.
Just your Average Friday
A/N: I wanted to do this prompt a bit differently...
“Hunt down the traitor and bring them back to me alive.” Sergio demanded, without looking up from the letter he had received.
Carlo and Emilio immediately nodded and chirped, “yes boss!” Before storming out of Sergio’s father’s office room.
Sergio’s father, Adriano wouldn’t be home tonight, he was hosting one of his ‘business meetings’ as he liked to call them. But with Adriano being a mafia boss, how business oriented could they really be? Sergio wondered. But it didn’t matter, with Adriano and Sergio’s mother, Valentina not being home. He could set his plan into motion.
It didn’t take long for Carlo and Emilio to return with the traitor. Carlo and Emilio’s father, Leonardo also wouldn’t be at the mansion tonight. Being Adriano’s second in command, he had to accompany the mafia boss to whatever meeting was being held.
“We found her, boss.” Carlo piped up as he thrusted the traitor to the ground.
“Ow Carlo! Watch it!” The traitor in question spoke. She turned to Sergio.
“Sergio, what’s going on? I was practicing my Italian!” She exclaimed. “And then all of a sudden Carlo and Emilio rush in, tie my hands behind my back and tell me that the ‘boss wanted to see me’ what gives?!” She added on.
Sergio stood up from the black leather chair he had been sitting in as he walked around Bianca, who was still on the carpet ground.
Sergio shook his head,
“My dear sister.” He said, dramatically, “I never thought that you, of all people would betray me like this.”
Bianca looked at her older brother as if he was crazy.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
Emilio kicked her leg,
“Silence traitor!”
“Ow! Emilio! You are taking this role way too seriously!”
Sergio bent down to where Bianca was on the floor,
“I think you know what I’m talking about, Bianca Alessandra Francesca Esposito.” He said, sliding the letter to her.
Bianca peeked at the letter and sighed,
“Seriously? Is that what this is about? Sergio, you know I was joking.”
Sergio shook his head,
“Then where is it.”
Bianca hummed,
“I’m not telling you.”
Sergio cocked his head,
“And why’s that sorella?”
Bianca shrugged,
“I might’ve told you if you hadn’t tied me up, fratello.”
Sergio stood up and sighed,
“Well, I guess you leave me no other choice.”
Within fifteen minutes, Carlo, Emilio and Sergio had Bianca stuck to a chair, her mouth bound shut.
Not being able to speak, Bianca kicked her brother in the leg.
Sergio shook it off,
“If you just tell me where you hid my Halloween candy, I might let you go..”
Bianca shook her head.
Suddenly their fun was cut short when a call of, “Sergio Adriano Giuseppe Esposito! Just what do you think you’re doing to your sister!?” Reached the children’s ears.
Sergio turned around to see the furious face of his mother in the doorway to his father’s office. Behind her was Adriano clearly trying to hold in his laughter at what he was seeing. Next to him was Leonardo, looking as if he regretted his life choices.
Sergio quickly went to explain himself,
“Mamma, I know this looks bad but, I was just doing what papà does, I was questioning the traitor and why she did her actions.” He said, gesturing towards his tied up sister.
At this, Adriano laughed out loud, while Valentina sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“My god you two are so alike.” She muttered more to herself as she went to untie her daughter.
When Adriano calmed himself down, he asked his son,
“What did your sister do exactly.”
“She hid my the rest of my Halloween candy and she won’t tell me where it is!” Sergio complained.
Adriano shrugged,
“Well, I suppose that would be a good reason to tie someone up for questioning...”
“Adriano!” Valentina called, glaring at her husband.
“- but, it was still wrong, Sergio, don’t do it again.” He said, winking as he handed Sergio a twenty dollar bill for his efforts.
Sergio took the money and sighed dramatically,
“I’m sorry mamma.”
“Tell that to your sister.” Valentina replied.
In the most sincere voice, Sergio said,
“I’m sorry for tying you up Bianca, you’re still my favorite sister.”
Bianca rolled her eyes,
“I’m your only sister, idiota.”
“Bianca...” Adriano prompted.
Bianca huffed,
“Fine, I forgive you.”
“And?” Adriano prompted again.
“And the rest of your Halloween candy is in your violin case.” She said, leaving the room.
Sergio smiled and patted Carlo and Emilio on the back.
“Great job boys, you both get a raise and you get to have a sleepover as a reward.”
“No they don’t.” Valentina said, “they’re not spending the night.”
Sergio turned to his mother and made his brown eyes big and desperate,
“Please mammina?”
One look at her son and she knew she was gone.
Valentina gave in,
“Fine, just don’t stay up too late and don’t make too much noise.”
The three boys cheered.
Two hours later, they went and retrieved Sergio’s Halloween candy and watch horror movies and find new ways to terrorize Bianca. An hour after that, they crashed from a sugar rush.
But hey, victory is sweet.