They headed out the door, determined to never look back.
Write a story which ends with this line.
I’m Leaving And I’m Taking Her With Me
I slung the backpack over my shoulder and placed the suitcase next to my leg. I pick Zaine up and push her face into the crook of my neck, positioned my hands under her bum and turned to face the door.
“Don’t look for us or I swear to god you’ll regret it” I say with a commanding tone.
“Wait! Let’s talk about it. You can’t just take her from me!” Reb- Zaine’s mother cried hysterically.
“You know just as well as I do that it’s too late for that. And we both know Zaine deserves better than this.” I sighed.
The silence behind me was more than enough to know that she knew I was right.
“Say goodbye Zaine” I whisper softly a complete contrast to the tone I used with her mother
“Bye bye mummy” She mumbled lifting her head slightly to look at her mother before pushing head back into my neck.
I repositioned Zaine as I move to open the door and then grab our bags. The warm wind brushed past my face as if encouraging and coaxing me out of the house and further into its warm embrace. It was such a lovely day compared to tense and dreary atmosphere of the house.
We headed out the door, Zaine’s head still snuggled into the crook of my neck as I felt the rhythmic rise and fall of her body against mine and her curly hair tickling my cheek, determined to never look back. To start anew and give Zaine the stability I knew she needed…we both needed. I knew it would be hard but I would try, if not for myself then, as the father of my daughter.