'The key they'd given me still fit the lock, but the house no longer felt like home'

Write a poem which closes with this line.


The smell of a warm meal after a hard day’s work and

returning to a place filled with love left my worries outside that front door,

a place with no worries, judgment, or care; it was filled with laughter and joy with blessings to spare.

My little blessings, the children I love, always reach for hugs while looking at me with admiration and trust. The woman I married greets me with a smile that nurtures my soul, my body, and my mind.

I’m always so glad I made her my wife. We say our graces and thank God we have each other, food, and a house. When the evening is over, we sleep, and we rest to rise and do it again the next day.

Today, it was different; I had longer hours alone with a woman with a flirtatious smile.

Betrayed by my flesh and selfish desires, the woman I cherished was broken to Pieces, a frown replacing her smile.

Today, I came home bearing some gifts, remorseful of my mistake, and swore to myself it would never happen again.

When I opened the door and saw the house was bare, I noticed a letter, so I wept in despair. I noticed they left all the keys, even the spares, and

I knew the fault was only my own.

The key they’d given me still fit the lock, but the house no longer felt like home.

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