Write a short dialogue between two dogs.
Think of how this will be different from a human dialogue, and how you can give them character traits through their interaction.
Bigger, Braver
Two dogs approach one another.
“I’m big! I’m strong! I’m brave! Nothing scares me!” One dog is big and brown. He has short fur and a long tail. He is up to his masters knees and holds his head high.
“Who are you? I haven’t seen you before.” Smaller dog hears a noise and looks behind him. He is smaller than the brown dog but also holds his head stoutly.
“I am bigger and braver than you. Hmm you smell interesting. Not sure I’ve smelled that before.” Says the brown dog.
Small dog barks loudly and snips at the brown dog.
“Squirrel!!!” The brown dog quickly starts walking away.
One can say all he can about himself but the truth can be seen in his actions.