
12:45 pm- I finally arrive to the office after being late by four hours. I walk in and before I enter my section I see that something’s off. Nobody is wondering where I am. I haven’t missed a day since the day I started five years ago. So how come nobody is wondering my absence? I walk in and go up to Chris and ask,” Hey Chris, sorry I’m…” “Hayden have you completed those papers I gave you this morning yet?” Chris interrupted. Papers? I just showed up, who’s he giving papers to? I reply,” ummm no not yet, almost though.” “ Hayden we don’t come here everyday for social hour, we have a job, and that job is not to delay our work.” I, now confused and annoyed, reply,” yes sir, my apologies. I walk over to my desk and notice that something is off. I can hear a noise from my desk. Who’s there? I peak over and I see a guy there. I yell,” Hey, that’s my desk sir, I’m going to need you to leave!!” He turns around. What? No. How is this possible? He looks exactly like me.

12:45 am - What's that rattling noise? I get out of bed to the noise of my dog barking. I walk downstairs, but something is wrong. The dog stopped barking. I walk to the front of the house to find the door unlocked. I could have sworn I locked it. Then I hear what sounds like another door, or maybe a drawer, open from the kitchen. I make my way over but stop, for I dont have any protection and he could be armed. I grab my pocket knife rom my room and quickly run back down the stairs. But when I make my way to the bottom I stop. Behind the arc I can see it. I don't know what it is but I see it, and I see half of its face, smiling at me. Its crazed eyes, long, wide smile, but I notice something. He looks… familiar. Wait! No, It couldn´t be. It was the man from this morning, at work, the man who looks like me. Why was he here? He walks out behind the arc an in his hand he holds two thing. One of them was a knife, which was not even the worst item. My jaw dropped in disbelief. Was that my dog´s head in his hands, soaking his hand in blood? He rolls the head towards me and then POUNCES at me! I knock him off and run to the door, but it´s blocked by something. I turn around and as he starts getting closer I know my only option is to run and hide. I run out of his sight and behind him run up to my room. I lock the door and barricade it. I hear his footsteps, slow, loud footsteps. He approaches the door. I hear him start rattling the doorknob. The rattling gets increasingly louder and aggressive. I back away, trying to find something to save myself. I run to my closet to find the only option I have, a revolver. I do not know if this will work but all I can do is try. I freeze. The door became unlocked somehow. He´s coming. I hold the gun up to where I believe his head will be. The door opens slowly, but I don´t wait. I fire a whole round into the door, and I hear a loud thud go down the stairs. I run to the door, but as soon as I open it…

3:45 am: Narration* The police arrive hours after the crime scene. They search around looking for any clues. One man finds the revolver which penetrated the man Hayden Mora twelve times. They found him, head missing and every part of his body facing a way it shouldn´t. They interview others in the neighborhood, but none of them recall any noise or people.What man could have or would have done this?

Three years later: I am Wendy Mora, son of Hayden Mora. I had been out of town when the incident happened. When I returned I was informed with the devastating news. I will not rest till this man that has murdered my father is put in his grave once in for all.

Everyone has a doppleganger, which may sound cool to see someone like you, but be careful. Do not interact with your doppleganger like the foolish Hayden Mora, for when you interact with the man who may be yourself, you become endangered to the man. He will hunt you, find you, and if you are not smart, kill you.

On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 8:01 AM Football Kid29 <> wrote:

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