Write a multi-POV story from the perspective of three different people across the globe looking at the same thing.

What could they all be looking at and how might they percieve it differently?

Final Show

Danielle sat deep in her fathers arms, her head resting on his shoulder. She could feel his heartbeat, fast but firm against her soft cheek. Blasts and fireworks of red gleamed in her eyes as she stared up at the once dark sky.

She didn’t know much about what was going on.

She didn’t know much about anything yet.

But she knew the sparkles meant the end.

And if the end was full of glitter, then that didn’t seem so bad to her.

Brant studied for years to get somewhere in life. He made it into Harvard and worked hard to get his degree. He spent countless hours of sleep on this, countless hours of time.

And of course, it all had to hit on his graduation day.

Brant sat in his hat and gown, staring up at the spectacle.

He wasn’t exactly scared of death. He was scared of what he lost. That being either his award or all the time he could’ve spent with others, he didn’t know.

Brant just hated that sinking feel of regret before death. Maybe all people thought of the things they could’ve done. Do 93 year olds on the death bed wish they went skydiving before their time was up? I guess he’d never know.

But at least Brant lived as long as he did.

Even if his life was only planning for it.

Jocelyn ran, ran so desperately away from the light. She didn’t wan to see it, didn’t want to watch it, didn’t want to live it.

She refused to believe it, running as fast as she could, even though she knew it was hopeless. Tremors shook the ground, she had to jump over cracks in the once solid dirt.

Jocelyn couldn’t stop shaking. Shaking so bad she was afraid her organs might spew out of her.

She didn’t want it to end.

Not like this.

Never like this.

But the sky still preformed.

It’s final show.

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