“Every night I wake up under the same crooked tree.”
Write a horror story that specifically centres around this piece of speech.
Lost In Time
“Every night I wake up under the same crooked tree. Its sad aura radiates off of it. Something about it is intriguing. As if it calls out to me.”
She said gazing up at sky.
“Am I cursed? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? Is this some type of crazy prank? Or maybe even a punishment?”
“Perhaps it… it has some connection with me?
Or with my father? This place.. doesn’t even look like earth. Am I on a different planet? Or.. in heaven?”
She pressed her hands together. The silence was deafening. She preyed for someone, anyone. To speak to her. She was deprived of human interaction.
Constantly wondering if she would ever make her way back home. If this constant loop would ever end. Maybe she had to change something she was doing to end it? Like one of the movies.
The silence had never been more loud. Like a constant ringing in her ear. She anxiously awaited to hear someone speak to her. But seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into months, months into years.
Until one day, it was different. She could hear people talking to her from- the sky? The voices sound so familiar. But, she didn’t know them. It was on the edge of her mind. But. Not close enough to remember.
She cried out.
“Help! I’m right here! Help!! Help me!”
Night after night day after day. She cried out.
She screamed so much she had lost her voice.
She sat and wept by the tree. Some days she would try to break it down. But Nothing worked. She was trapped.
One day it was different once again.
The tree began to shrink?
Smaller and smaller slowly the tree shrank.
Until one day it was nothing but a sapling.
“What is happening to me? Why me?! What did I do to deserve this?!” She cried. She laid back onto the lush green grass surrounding the tree.
And slowly faded into unconsciousness.
She opened her eyes, but she didn’t see the sky? Or the tree beside her. Instead she saw her father. And a white roof of a hospital room.
“Oh my gosh, doctor she’s awake! Hurry come quickly! Someone help!” Her father cried.
Doctors rushed in.
“Samantha foster, can you hear me?” One of the doctors said as he shines a flashlight in my eyes.
“What happened?” I questioned. “You have been in a coma for five years sam.” The doctor replied.
I looked at my father. Fear clearly clouded my gaze. My father came to me and grabbed my hand gripping it tightly. “Your okay. Now.” He said has tears filled his eyes.
Everyday my father waited for me. Waited for me to wake up. Now, I must adjust to my new life in 2027. I figured there would be flying cars by now.
I guess that dream is pretty crazy.
The tree still remains in the edge of my vision.
My fear remains buried in my heart.
A part of my misses that little crooked tree.
Though i see it every night in my dreams.