THE Happiest

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!” My roommate, Natalie, calls out as she enters our shared apartment.

“Nice to see you too!” I yell back from where I’m sitting in the living room, flipping through a magazine on French fashion.

“I tell you, no joke, they were so kind it literally started pissing me off!” Nat says and I hear her dump her backpack onto the counter.

I squint my eyes as I consider her words. “Yeah, that’s fair. I’ve been there.”

Natalie walks in and sits on the ottoman, knocking my feet to the floor. “I kid you not, I spilled my coffee on her and she was still smiling!”

“On purpose or accident?” I ask, sparing her a questioning glance.

“Accident of course! But that’s not the point Z. She straight up said it was fine, and that it just gave her an excuse to get new clothes and she got to meet. A new. Person.”

I look up at her with an incredulous expression. “She didn’t.”

Natalie nods vigorously. “She did! Legit said that!”

I cringe and put my magazine down on my lap. “That’s like, disgusting-level positive.”

Nat’s eyes widen and she smiles. “I know, right? I’m telling you, she has to be the happiest person in the world Zoe. THE happiest.”

I nod with my nose scrunched. “Yeah… what a sad way to live…”

Natalie snorts and then hops back up. “Seriously. And then she offered to pay for the coffee like it was her fault. Can you believe that?”

I shake my head. “I can’t imagine being so nice. My good moods only last as long as the ‘shrooms.”

Laughing at my joke, Nat walks back into the kitchen. “I always thought you looked a little…” she leans against the doorway with her coffee in hand and gestures vaguely towards me. “…Unfocused…”

I start laughing. “Unfocused? Really?”

She shrugs. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings too much.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “I think that girl’s kindness rubbed off on you, normally you’d just tell me I look higher than the building and laugh.”

Natalie shrugs before freezing, her eyes going wide. “You’re right. Frick. Uh… you’ve been looking pretty dopey?”

I laugh again and go back to my magazine. “That’s just my natural charm.”

Natalie sips on her coffee and walks back into the kitchen. I hear rustling and assume she’s pulling out her college homework.

“Did you let her pay for your coffee?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Of course I did! This girl’s not gonna miss a chance for free coffee!” She calls back.

I smile and mouth the next words that she says.

“College is a soul sucker that is insistent that I stay broke. Free stuff is a student’s best friend, y’know?”

I laugh at her mantra and nod. “I know it.”

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