©2019 vimark

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.
The Fallen Mechanic
Bolts, wires, metal and determination all of the things that go into making a successful machine.
I thought i put all of those things into my robot, and at the start it appeared that way. But i was on proven otherwise.
I was a young lad, just leaving home learning to stand own two feet. I was good with my hands, creating, mending and destroying if needed. I’d accrued an apprenticeship with a blacksmith who lived two towns over. A two weeks travel away from my family. It was doable. So i did it.
The man their taught me everything i know, how to forge, tighten bolts, and how to put love and creativity into my work. He was my mentor and my best friend.
Until the accident.
I never believed the authorities when they said it was an accident. Tripped down the stairs and bashes his head, thats what the report read. Bullshit if you ask me. But i could never prove it, and i was still young so my opinion didn’t really matter.
We built incredible things. And that was just the stuff we made for the public eyes.
Most off our work was tremendous, enormous metal begins that could touch the skies. They could move to, or at least we were going to figure out how to make them move. But after his passing… i just couldn’t. I gave up my work and went back home leaving the robots out in the pasture were nobody ever ventured.
Only now have i returned, to see my beautiful creations in ruin, fallen over to their sides. Legs must have rusted and made them colapse.
They had so much potential.
I had so much potential.