Write the opening paragraphs of a story that is not set in this world.
Consider how you will let the reader know where this is set - be it overtly describing the setting, or sublty leaving clues that this world is unfamiliar.
Chronicles Of Alexandria
Prologue: Part 2
Black light followed Andromeda’s retreat up the stairs. At the end of the hallway, giggling drowned out the noise. Andromeda rushed into the room to find 3 black haired children wrestling on the floor.
A terrifying scream came from downstairs. All of the children gazed up at Andromeda with puzzled expressions.
Quickly, Andromeda grabbed 8 year old Lana’s hand and led her to the closest.
“What’s happening”, Lana asked, fear flooding her eyes. Another scream echoed up to the girls room.
“Nothing”, Andromeda soothed, opening the closet door ,”We’re just playing hide and seek. I’m giving you a head start”.
Lana, suspicious of the situation, was reluctant to get in the closet.
“Okay”, sighed the Queen ,”Guess we have to do this the hard way”. Putting her hand on Lana’s forehead, Andromeda muttered the spell Fa-ov, forget. Lana’s eyes went from deep gray to sage green. A moment later, she stumbled back into the closet.
Andromeda quickly closed the closet door, then turned back to Genesis and Roman, who had continued their wrestling match.
Just then, Andromeda heard steps from outside the room. The Queen rushed to the door, locking so that the psychopath couldn’t get in. Andromeda then scooped up Roman into her arms.
Knocking rang out from the door. Andromeda knew she didn’t have much time.
“Cho zlun rie huvua”, recited Andromeda ,”cdx siura lx yian heac”. A moment later, a dark green portal appeared above the three. The Queen opened the parchment that her friend had given her. The content of the scroll face the name of an odd place.
More knocking came from the door. Andromeda knew that now was the time to leave.
“Brooklyn, New York”, Andromeda said, shaking. A few moments later, young Genesis began to rise off the floor.
All of a sudden, the bedroom door came crashing down. Outside stood the person Andromeda hated the most in all of Alexandria. A grin seeped onto Andromeda’s face.
“Your to late, Scarlett”, sneered Andromeda. And with that, the trio was swept into the portal, off to the mortal world.