A Day In The Life Of Jan XXX

Jan washes up, puts on makeup, sets her hair, puts on skirt, blouse, sweater, shoes.

Eats a breakfast of cereal and milk, peels an orange. Studies for her math test.

Her brother, Nick, is off on an adventure. She has his packet of completed homework to deliver to the principal. No one ever looks at it.

Jan checks her school bag. Books, homework, Nick’s packet, gym suit. walks to school. Goes to classes. Eats her lunch. Goes to gym. Plays volleyball. In study hall her friends talk about boys.

Walks home, does homework, has dinner. They have a live-in servant, Aliza. Walks their dog. Goes by the family R & D center. Rocket construction. So much happening that doesn’t involve her.

She goes home, makes hot chocolate, reads a nursing romance novel. Lights out.

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