Submitted by Rover

Write a story where your main character is connected to the mafia.

They could have a relative who is tied to the gang, be a member who wants out, a love story between members, whatever pathway you choose!

Just Your Average Monday

A/N: there’s a few Italian words in this piece so here are the translations,

Amore mio: my love

Caramella: sweetie/sweet

Figlio: son

Caro: dear

Tesoro: treasure

I kind of want to make a part two out of this.. let me know if I should!

The gunshots from the downstairs room didn’t startle Valentina as much as they should’ve, but they did startle her neighbor, Laura who was visiting.

“Shouldn’t you go down there or something?” Laura asked, shifting in the bar stool nervously.

Valentina just waved her hand,

“I assure you that everything’s perfectly fine, would you like some more wine?” She asked, already pouring some into a very expensive looking wine glass.

Another gunshot rang from downstairs. Laura flinched and then shook her head.

“Would you like some water then?” Valentina asked.

“Water would be great.” Laura said, smoothing down her dress.

Valentina snapped her fingers and a servant came with a gold tray.

“Would you like regular or sparkling?” Valentina asked Laura.

“Regular’s fine.” Laura responded, eyeing the servant.

Valentina poured Laura a glass of water and handed it to her.

“Thank you, Oscar.” She said to the servant, handing him a one hundred dollar bill.

When Oscar walked away, Laura asked,

“So what does your husband do exactly? To my knowledge, I assume he owns some hunting store, with all the gunshots I’ve been hearing.”

Valentina shrugged,

“Something like that you could say, I’m not entirely sure..”

With one final gunshot from downstairs, Laura seemed to have had enough as she stood up from the stool, clutching her purse.

“I should go, it was nice seeing you, Valentina.” She said in a rush, practically running out of the mansion.

Valentina huffed a took a sip of her wine. Leave it to her husband to scare people off without even being present.

Deciding she should probably go see what was going on downstairs, she walked down to the mansion’s huge basement, what she saw, was turning to be a typical sight to see in the house.

She saw her husband, Adriano standing by a human target lighting a cigarette, next to him, was their son, Sergio. Both men were watching Valentina’s daughter, Bianca. Bianca was holding a gun practicing on the target.

“What’s goin on here?” Valentina asked, her Italian accent coming out a bit.

Adriano took the cigarette out of his mouth and walked up to his wife.

“Amore mio!” He shouted, “you’re just in time, Bianca wanted to show you what she’s learned.”

“What are you teaching her exactly?”

Sergio piped up, “papà’s teaching her how to deal with the boy that’s been picking on her at school!”

Valentina raised an eyebrow,

“James?” She asked her daughter.

Bianca nodded,

“I’m gonna teach him a lesson.”

Valentina shrugged,

“Very well, show me what you’ve got.”

The family watched as Bianca shot the gun three times in the same spot perfectly.




The room was silent for a bit before Valentina spoke up,

“Great job caramella, but maybe next time, I would advise to aim for more of the chest area, rather than, you know the private parts.”

Adriano nodded,

“Your mother’s right. I would also recommend to do it after school, you know, so you don’t get into as much trouble doing in the school...”

Valentina looked at her husband,

“As if that would make it any better, her father is a mafia boss you know.”

“That reminds me, the boys and I have a meeting tonight.”

Valentina gave her husband a look,

“Last time you had a meeting here, Leonardo tracked blood all over my marble flooring...”

Adriano put his hands up,

“I promise he won’t track blood all over the house again.”

“Or you or any of the boys.”

Adriano nodded.

“And I’m coming tonight too, right papá?” Sergio asked.

Adriano laughed and patted his son on the back,

“Of course figlio, you are getting to that age after all, being fourteen after all. That’s how old I was when I joined my first meeting.”

Valentina looked at both of them,

“Seriously? No Sergio, you are not joining the family business, you are going to college and becoming a doctor.”

Sergio looked at his mother,

“Aw come on mamma, please? Just one meeting? I promise to get back on my studies.”

Adriano looked to his wife,

“Come on dear, you know you won’t be able to stop him.”

Valentina finally gave in,

“Oh alright, but I expect you to not make this a regular thing Sergio.”

Sergio smiled and ran up the basement stairs,

“I promise mamma!”

Adriano laughed,

“He’s going to be a great member, I can guarantee.”

As much as Valentina wished her son wouldn’t be part of the ‘family business,’ she couldn’t deny the inevitable,

“Just, promise to keep him safe for as long as you can.”

Adriano kissed his wife’s hand and forehead,

“I promise I will protect him and our family with my last dying breath.”

Valentina kissed her husband,

“I know you will, caro.”

“Papá!” Bianca suddenly called,

“Are you going to come help me more?”

Adriano turned to his daughter,

“I’ll be there in a minute tesoro.”

Valentina kissed her husband’s cheek.

“I’ll go get dinner ready.”

Even though their life could be dangerous at times. Valentina lived for these ‘normal’ moments with her family. Sure, she could have a normal life. But honestly, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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