
Colleen was taken aback when Wolf took his mask off, his long curls falling from some of his cornrowed braids dripping with sweat, that also sat atop the beeswax he placed to tame the frizz, it created a luminescent sparkle outline amid the lighting behind him that slightly revealed more than his silhouette.

She squinted: “I thought I knew you, I thought you were a man of honor and valor, but you’re nothing but a coward, you’re a weak man who prey’s on women until they fall for you just to break their hearts, for your own twisted enjoyment! I hate to admit I did, I thought I loved you but I hate you Wolf Crawford, I hate everything about you!”

Wolf steps a bit closer and Colleen holds her hand up in defiance

“Don’t touch me! If you really are the hero you claim to be, you’d leave me the hell alone and forget we had ever met. Why don’t you put that stupid mask back on it might be the only genuine thing about you.”

Wolf sighs in a way that left Colleen assured it was only because his truth was finally revealed, and he didn’t get to deceive this particular woman anymore.

“By the way, your poetry sucks!”

Collen darts left and walks briskly up the concrete stairs of the parking garage that seem to last forever; every clap of her heels is echoed among the silence of the few cars left lingering in the casino at four in the morning.

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