Submitted by Margaret Sok
'I am not a butterfly, I am a moth.'
Write a story or poem based around this line.
The Moth And The Butterfly
I despise beauty,
For it is never me.
It is too welcoming,
And I prefer not to be.
My wings are not softly glittering,
Like a mirror held for the stars.
I have no substantial colors
Worth trapping inside jars.
My coal grey coat is warm,
Camouflaging and unique.
I see no eager fingers
Trying to trap me for a peek.
Though I am much safer,
At times I will admit,
That beauty, although fleeting,
Is not entirely the pits.
For beauty could never be
A harbinger of ghosts.
Or draw too close to flames,
A fate I never chose.
For dwelling in the dark,
To evade the eyes of day,
I find I crave the light,
More and more, come what may.
But I would never trade my freedom
Without regard to the cost.
I can’t escape my truth.
I’m not a butterfly, I’m a moth.
So tell me, dear reader,
Which path would you choose?
A dreamer’s anonymity,
Or dazzling fame and a noose?