The day you've been dreading has finally arrived....
Dancing With Devil’s
I’ve dreaded this day for the entirety of my life. The shadows danced above my head; sweeping me off my feet as talons clawed and ripped at my bloody corpse. The shadows lifted me into the heavens and it was beautiful. The clouds lived in a haze of pink and yellow. The beauty lasted an exceptional few second before the shadows came at me again. They ripped and gnawed me with there whispy white teeth as they savaged me like hungry wolves. My lungs found the air harsh and raw; small dots of light appeared in front of my eyes. I started to fall. And I didn't stop. The ground came rushing up to confront me. My eyes filled with tears. Why did it have to be me? Why was I chosen in this competition? Why did the shadows pick me? I am not the only child you was born on the 13th. I remembered what my mother wrote when I was small. She wrote me a letter.
Dear my only daughter,
You were born on the 13th of a month. This means that when you turn 13 there is a competition only people who are born on the same day as you are picked. YOU may be selected. If you are, the shadows will torment you on the day of your birthday. Then after 2 days, you will compete against God himself in a series of challenges. If you win you survive and will move to the next world the world am in not one 13 has ever gotten in. So if you fail the shadows will destroy your soul and torture you for eternity. This may be hard for you but you must succeed if you are chosen God no longer knows what love is you have to use that against him. Teach God to love or the world will surely crumble.
Love mum
I remember this now and I can imagine the hope that glistened in my mum's eyes as she wrote it. My body smashed against the ground and for the first time in my life I smiled. I opened my eyes and sat up. My mind racing I looked around and saw 15 guns pointing at my head. I closed my eyes and screamed.
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