Rewrite the opening paragraph to your story.

If you have already done this prompt you can now rewrite the opening. If you didn't complete the earlier prompt, try writing your opening scene without planning.

New Sheriff In Town: Long Time No See Chapter 1

Vast whiteness stretched out like a blank page. Percolating with excitement, Myrtle Two Axes sat upright in the hover sedan, afraid to wrinkle her new uniform. Looking out the vehicle windows, she was reminded of the vintage postcards of deserts back on Olde Earth. As a little girl she had liked the dizzying colors of the tropics and feared the dark of the thick forests. As she grew older Myrtle was drawn to oceans of sand with life hidden in its secrets. Cold and bright these were the words that summed up Enceladus. She was in awe. Myrtle had spent so much time weaving the innumerable joys of their new home to get her son Django excited about their move that Myrtle had begun to believe her own stories. The reality of this moon was a strange thing.
She returned to the view whizzing past. The horizon was a taut rubber band. There were no trees, no bushes, no clouds, no liquid water. The landscape was an unturned clear face of ice with eruptions of large bluish domes. There was domes of emerald green hydroponic farms and suburbs. Androids built the houses that would one day become the dream homes of the future. When they were landing on this moon, her son dubbed it Planet Fishbowl and pulled on his headphones. Myrtle swallowed down her lump of regret.
Then she did what she always did. She began making lists. What do I know? They wanted me here. The Board of Regents had reached out to her directly asking her to apply to the Chief of Police position for the new colony. The interview process went smoothly. She knew the local crime stats and resources available to her department. The salary was generous, the housing, pleasant. The Governor had greeted Django and her at the station and the Chair of Lightbearer Mines had sent her a honest to God basket of fruit. Myrtle had researched and researched. She knew everything that could be known about her new job except why did they want her here?
The hover had stopped. She had arrived. Myrtle didn’t know how long she had been siting lost in thought but the vehicle’s NavSat voice sounded a little impatient. She approached the primary sealed doors and was scanned. Noiselessly, a series of metallic doors slid open for her. The building had the vibe of warehouse that had been recently renovated as a high end hotel. She strode into the Security Central Complex. A desk sergeant smiled up at Myrtle from her desk. Welcome to Planet Fishbowl, she thought. In her dress blacks with her hat tucked under her arm, Myrtle smiled back. Police officers and detectives 
“Long time,” a familiar voice rang out behind her.
The politeness drained from her lips. Myrtle steeled her spine and slowly turned to face the last person she had ever expected to meet again.
Myrtle said, “No see.”

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