Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
A Villains Tale
*this doesn’t follow the prompt!! Just needed somewhere to write!!*
“Your getting in over your head! Why would you ever want to destroy the world?!” Shouted the hero, who was slouched against the ruble bleeding.
“You hero’s always have that same mindset! Darling you can’t simply try to be good, in this world if you want to destroy the monster, you have to become one yourself! If your such a hero, then why do all of your citizens cry every night wondering if they are going to be killed in there sleep?!” The villain rose above the ruble, but stumbled back onto the ground.
“Your never going to win! Especially because your so drunk out of your mind that you can barely do anything for yourself!” The hero started to stand, despite the fact he was losing blood quickly.
“Oh please! Don’t push your luck love, I may be drunk but I’m still sober enough to kill you in more ways than you can count!” He then signaled to his henchman to help him up.
“Really now? Then why do you rely so much on your henchman? I bet you threaten all of your workers to help you!” The hero started to stand proudly, and regained his balance upon the ground.
“You think I threaten them? Absolutely not! Why would I let someone I don’t trust near all of my deadly devices? I even go to there children birthdays! Carls kid is even top of her class!” the villain started to boast all about his henchman and their families.
“Wait… you know there names?” The hero acted like it wasn’t a normal thing
“Yes???? I even know your henchman! Alice came to my kids graduation party last week!”
“Who’s Alice? Unlike you I don’t need to rely on my workers so much that I know them.” The hero acted as if this was a good thing.
“Knowing who you hire is literally the very basic of human curtesy being a boss, and you think I’m a horrible person?”
“Your trying to destroy the world! And I have better things to do than talk to people who are below me anyways! No matter what your always the villain, it’s simply just the way you were born!” The hero was now looking as proud as he can be, the villain looked at him in utter disbelief.
“Born like this?! You have zero right to say that, especially because your the reason I’m like this. Every ‘villain’ is just any other person who screamed just as loud, only difference is that we were never heard. Everyone who you claim to be evil is never evil at heart, we’re just people who hero’s like you refused to save.” The villain became pale from lack of blood, and leaned more into his henchman for support.
“Oh please! No matter what you say I’ve grown up knowing that all villains are evil to the core! And don’t think your little speech could impress me, I’ve met bread smarter than you.” He started to regain more strength, as the villain came close to collapsing.
“Last I checked a piece of bread couldn’t make a machine strong enough to wipe out thousands of people. And you know what? If your so convinced that villains are evil, then why do you act like one? You hurt people, but everyone turns the other cheek because you did it for ‘justice’ well you know what? No matter what we do a villain will only be seen as the monster when the story is told by the hero.” With a final glance, the villain fell to his knees, and his henchman who tried to support him panicked and fell to the ground in a frantic state of trying to help him.
“Giving up already? Looks like I was right. The villain never wins! Now if you will excuse me, I have an award to collet for saving all these fine people from you.” And with that, the hero left.
The villain laid on the ground while his closest friends surrounded him. They’ve all been know as the henchman, but that’s just what the hero saw. And as for the so called hero, he was crowned with a Medal of Honor for protecting the world, from a man who was just another monster trying to live amongst all of the other demons who were saved.