Submitted by Oddity

Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.

This could be real or metaphorical.

The Ward

They don’t call it that here

They don’t awknoldge we all are taken from our school

Our lives

And placed in this place

A place to get better they say

But I know what it really is

It’s a prison

School was bad

But this is worse

Locked in this place with all these other kids

I’m missing so much

The musical

My life

And for what

To supposedly get better

But it doesn’t feel better here

The other kids with their crazy eyes

Are mine crazy to?

I just want to get out of here

I’m slamming on the walls of my mental barriers

But I can’t break through

Can’t escape

I just have to go through the program


That’s what they call it

A program

That’s all it is

I’m just sick and getting better

That’s what I have to say

I’m not trapped

This is not a prison

This is a hospital of sorts

I will get better I just need some help

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