Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
I Didn’t Kill Her
“Wait wait! I Didn't kill her!” I screamed in panic as the officers took me away from the courtroom. The officers were not listening to my screaming. No one thought anything of me, other than I was a murderer. They think I killed my best friend! I would never! She was my whole world! My mother and my father stood in the courtroom, watching me scream and cry with not even an ounce of sympathy on their face. Their solid blank eyes look back at me. How did I get here! I'm not even the one who killed her! Let me explain what happened, the thing I tried to explain to the courtroom even though they didn’t believe me.
We were at the dock, me and Nya. we just decided because It was a nice day, we would go down to the dock, bring some snacks and chill for a while. Little did I know, that would be the place where she died. After a while of talking and laughing, we heard some footsteps approaching. We both turned to see what that was, and then there was not a sound in the air, except for the knife being stabbed in her chest and gruesomely being dragged through her stomach. And then the splash of the water. Nya had fallen in, with a stab wound. I couldn't comprehend what was happening, it was like I was watching this from a TV. The figure grabbed my hand, handing the knife to me, and making a run for it. I slowly came back to my senses, realizing what the figure had done. I looked down, Nya’s blood on the knife and my hands, the water turning a musty red color, mixing with the deep blue of the lake. I didn’t know what else to do but run, bringing the knife with me.